Hattie's Blog

June 2010
Hi! Hattie Jackson here - very excited about that my second story,
Stalking the Enemy, has just been published
. It's been a really exciting year with an unexpected trip to Kielder in Northumberland which you'll read all about in book 2.
There's been no time for life to get back to normal. I've been training hard, enjoying having my mum home as well as dealing with all the new terrifying challenges that have come hurtling at me - things I don't want to tell you now, in case I spoil the stories you haven't read yet.
My biographer, Jane, has been to lots of schools to give talks about the books and about writing.
The Revenge of Praying Mantis was short-listed for the Portsmouth Book Award and chosen by Moira Briggs at
Vulpes Libris as one of her top two books for 2009 - thanks Moira!
And T
he Book Zone for Boys has just chosen
Stalking the Enemy as their
book of the month! That's great news as it's only just been published.
Do please
email me your thoughts on the books - perhaps you could even write a review? And tell me what your ninja animus is by clicking on "choose your animus" on the left of your screen.
I'll be giving updates on my new adventures - especially my trip to Japan. So come back to visit again to check out for updates.
I hope things are happy and Kataki-free in your world!
Sayonara and
Arigato! (That's "thank you" and "goodbye" in Japanese!)