A ninja's climbing claws are some of their most treasured tools. They allow you to scale walls and cross ceilings - and sometimes foot claws are used as well. They're quite like the hand spikes a climber might use for mountaineering - but my biographer Jane wanted to buy some brand new ninja climbing claws for the launch of Hattori Hachi: the Revenge of Praying Mantis. And that's when we got into trouble... One day she got a phone call from customs, asking why she was trying to import terrorist weapons! Apparently these claws are on the list of banned items in the UK. The customs officer was pointed towards this website to read about how they were just to be used as an illustration of ninja tools. But that wasn't good enough. The climbing claws were destroyed - although an evil looking grappling hook and a bag full of throwing stars were allowed, but only with the promise that they wouldn't be given to children...
There are many other tools and weapons that a ninja keeps hidden - either concealed in the pockets of their dark ninja outfit, or pre-set in places where they're going to be fighting, or stored in the dojo where they train. My favourtite tools are my rats - Bushi and Akira.
They travel in my pockets on secret missions and can be sent to spy in the smallest places. Even better, they can cause chaos by running through a crowded street, distracting everyone long enough to give me valuable time to spy or escape or carry out another daring ninjutsu act.